Before you start your business or a new product: save your brands with trade marks

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Only trade marks protect your brands effectively from faking and copying!

Registering a German trade mark is very cheap (from 300 Euros). It will be the lowest but most important post in your cost plan.

You pay a basic registration fee of 290 € including three classes and 100 € for additional classes.


A European trade mark that provides protection all over the EC member-states is available for a fee of not more than 850 Euros.

Fees are based on submitting an electronic application. We can arrange that for you. 

Trade marks can be a letter, number, word, phrase, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture, aspect of packaging or any combination of these.

Registered trade marks provide the exclusive legal right to use, license or sell your goods or services showing the brand.

It distinguishes your goods and services from others in the marketplace.

Anyone (person or company) can apply for registration. The registration period is initially for 10 years and continues indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every ten years.

Remember that registration of a business name does not in itself give you any proprietary rights – only a trade mark can give you that kind of protection. Ensure you have exclusive use of your name now and in the future throughout Europe.

The risk caused by a missing or unefficient protection of your symbols and ideas can be existential. Criminal faking of goods can affect every company today. The European trade-mark office has collected all data in an impressive presentation:


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Fees for application services

We offer complete services for establishing a list of goods an services and submitting the application for you to one of the offices (300 € for a basic applications).

We also offer checking data bases on existing trademarks that are identical or similar to your application. This is highly recommended to avoid severe collisions and severe problems. Fees depend on the needed action and databases. 

We are looking forward to your questions and demands:

Thank you.

water mark


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